domingo, 8 de setembro de 2024


It's been 888 posts this year so far, 88 days since the Wind has blown. I love this fake job that perfectly reflects my real Job, where I'm free to express myself and use my Reason to the full. But I can't make any money out of it, so I'm going to slow down here a little to find another one, like scriptwriting. Because I'm never going to bartend again at a Tenderless place.

Why is it taking me Infinity to graduate? 👨‍🎓

If you're blessed and want to stay that Way, you can't drop out and settle for less than the real Thing. 😎

What Are You?

The glory of "love" and the love of "glory" must be a real Time consuming, fucking atom splitting experience, isn't it? It looks "good", but where can you go from there? I just wonder how it must also feel to leave the mansion with 14 bathrooms for one last trip to the luxury hospital, and then to the cemetery. What? You don't enjoy thinking about the inevitable? I know, you are cowards, "bold" only to think about all the applause and money you'll get if you write some bullshit. Because "life" is all about that, right? The "connection" with other fools. What if after the cemetery you wake up in a place where no fool looks "nice", wishing your ego the "best"? Is it frightening to imagine there'll be no stage in that last stage of the fake god trip with the father of empty words, the inventor of the idol "dream"? Tell me, you think about the "praise" you'll continue to receive here from those holding the same tree tight, don't you? What if where you're going it's too painful for that to matter?

No, thanks, I'd rather have a Life and a Smile.

I'm a real warrior, so I think about absolutely anything and I say it.

sábado, 7 de setembro de 2024


I ignored them for seventeen years.

I changed my mind and decided to attend their Party before it were too late to reverse my oldness.

Are You With Me?

Let's run away from this cancerworld.

Who Let The Gods Out?

Do you see the rays coming from my eye?

'Cause I'm the man of the Safeland.

The Chick In The Narrow Way

"For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh."

You have a feeling the destination of all those empty words is no Good, Rennie.

You're right, don't let the shallow roll you to no Where, don't follow them.

Stop, apply, stand and concentrate on the Party.

Do not be "moved".

The Beginning Of Justice

From beginning to end, every "thing" the dead beef says while being a part of the system is no Wisdom. Even when they pretend to be seeking the Well Being, you can feel that the air is still thick. Because either your whole Time means Her or you just don't find the Exit. So you're only a distant ordinary memory of the same old empty A4 and don't mean holy shit to me until you become more than what people want to be in the "dream". The real gods don't belong to this world, thus they cannot belong to anybody who sells his or her mind for its cheap fake visions and opportunities.

Where Do They Buy The Fuel?

I've seen it over and over again; even those advices you hear that appear to be wise are not really wise and are only powerful to make you drift off the Way. He looks for a chance to audibly talk to you through every proud independent mind to try to get you back on the track of worldly thought. So the more you develop your Autism the stronger you get to block the words that do not come from the same Source you get yours from. Let them say you don't hear anybody out; that's the proof they still haven't turned to Her and discovered there's only One you must seek to listen to.

sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2024

Speechless Generation

Do you have what it takes to build a house di namaste? Each movie is a different house of misery, to help you choose which one you'd like to dwell in. Do you still find controversial what Jesus said, about leaving even your children for his Name's sake? Children too might think it's a lot early for Scripture, for the real Game. Just like husbands and wives who cheat on their spouses and promise to change but show no real repentance, so act some children when they are rebuked by their parents. They keep a secret bond with the devil, learning from him and getting their thrills from doing his will. So how do you know, without having to see the wrongdoing for yourself, that you're dealing with people who only pretend to believe and not His pupils? A house where you meet people who don't have the Word to share is a territory of individuals who certainly "reason" like the world and cannot properly be called a family or a church.

Help yourself Out; turn to Her and talk to the Angel in your head.

The Communication is the daily Chance you have to prepare for the battle.

There's Something Wrong With The Planet

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them."

There is chaos in the big city and in the countryside; it's in every cell, every atom. Don't tell me that's how things have always been and I should be ignorant and "strong" like the rest, fit in and seek the same "happiness" they settle for, because I don't buy it. I don't think those words people speak and write belong to the Source. That's why it's a Hopeless situation; there is no Present and no Future for the network of independent, disconnected minds. Are they working together? To get what? Their own selfish "satisfaction". I've got no Time to waste, so I'd rather concentrate on being a part of the City of Angels and improving my Communication.

Madureira (It's Electric)

It's "buy futures, sell futures", when there is no Future.

Can't Live Without The Door

She is going to kick you Upstairs, dress you in Red and give you a Speech.

Loved Up (Gotta Be My Priority)

Live your "life"; for All I care.

quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2024

Watch Your Back, Fool

E se a garota nacional morrer com seu vestidinho preto indefectível, o que será que acontece? Eu desconfio que aqueles que passaram na mesma loja e compraram o mesmo vestido, assim como ela, achando que ficaram deslumbrantes, vêm pegá-la para uma última "festa", do jeito que ela gosta, com maldade e perversão sem limites e sem fim.


I agree.

They Want Some Answer

Few people can't put up with the way of those who want some "answers".

Pegasus (No Why)

Eles contratam seguranças para que pessoas com outras intenções sejam impedidas de entrar no templo e não perturbem quem está em busca de Paz. E os discípulos do Jesus hippie, e os discípulos do Jesus fã de Ferrari, por que são permitidos? Na minha gravação aparece lá um, "Se ela te pedir...", e até hoje eu questiono se esse "pedir" envolvia apenas a requisição do serviço de prostituição gratuito no ouvido do corpo com pênis, ou se a boca do corpo com vagina oferecia o próprio serviço com um custo além da alma, para comprar outras "coisas" que igualmente serviriam à mentira e à vaidade, como o celular que ela utilizava para a "comunicação" em que eles combinavam a "comunhão". Talvez as cartas na manga que ela tinha contra eles não fosse fato recente, talvez ela já tivesse desde sempre a "ousadia" de praticar o assalto contra indivíduos revestidos exteriormente de realeza e sacerdócio, descobrindo todos que interiormente eram bandidos como ela.

E os "bons" moços e "boas" moças que ficaram sabendo dos fatos e continuaram frequentando aquele ambiente normalmente? O que será que eles pediriam lá? Com certeza não é Sabedoria. Ou seja, nunca existiu Y não somente entre mim e a hipócrita da pesada, a ausência de Comunicação era generalizada. E a Verdade é que, como eles substituem a Palavra pela facilidade do pão "mágico", você pode ter certeza que os outros também não conseguem pensar além da "comunhão". Isto é, se pegarem seu contato no WhatsApp, pode ser que para serem vistas como pessoas para relacionamento sério elas não conversem a abóbora que aquela turma de vadios conversava, mas vai ser só abobrinha. Os leigos, os burros sem ambição, que como seus líderes "religiosos" estão mais interessados na aparência dos que são alguém no mundo do que no Conteúdo de quem não é deste mundo, no fundo também querem provar o gosto do nada, sem Medo e sem Amor.

Você quer arriscar para descobrir na prática que esse "desejo" é poligâmico?

Quem não quer o Tudo primeiramente, quer o mundo inteiro.

"Bio" Writers

Somente as burrinhas guerreiras se tornam black stallions. Porque o detetive tem um segredo a revelar: essas que vão à "igreja" são construtoras de reputação, estão em busca de uma alternativa à radicalidade da verdadeira Mensagem, que nunca existiu e nunca existirá. Elas estão lá para atuar, no máximo fingir ter Educação. E como saber se você está diante de um caso de alguém que está apenas pisando no território de um templo ou de uma pessoa que está de fato incorporada à falsidade e não buscando despertar? Compartilhe o conhecimento das práticas contrárias à Verdade e à Justiça da "igreja" e analise a reação. Os construtores de reputação têm "coisas" mais importantes com que se preocuparem do que com Caráter. Como tempo para eles não é Sabedoria, é "riqueza" e "status" como é para o mundo, não ache que seja uma questão de tempo para eles terem Algo a dizer, pois a interrogação do tempo em que "vivem" é outra, isto é, quem tem as "respostas" que eles buscam é o Smith.

Cuidado com os que preocupam-se mais em ser alguém no mundo do que alguém no Reino.

Eles podem tornar-se "tudo", exceto sábios e vivos.

quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2024

Flying With A Badass

What are you imagining there, real Space cadet?

"Stay Miserable" My Ass

Why would you go back to the kegger, the assembly of the nonexistent ones, Lloyd? To buy drinks or to serve them the drunk, that is no Future. Actually, there is no Difference, it's the same fake career from the pyramid, the hell on earth. Both are in the same precarious situation, and depending on how much the "privileged" ones at the top enjoy that "life", they may grow in misery and fall down to sit on the jungle low's infamous ultraboss' lap even faster. After the creep course is done, with them remaining utterly dumb and failing the big Test from beginning to end, the blind finally see that their "advantage" over others was totally an illusion. I have warned from the start that It is the only Profit, so while you stay in the system you're not really a professional, given that you have no Thing to teach, not even to children.

Radiant And Amazing

"Let the light of your presence shine on us, O Lord"

XIGood is wilder than their wildest "dreams".

The only constant is change.

Highly Ranked In Hell's Blacklist

They're having a hard time trying to convince the problem child to go back to get his "outfit".

Did You Know That?

You heard correctly.

Ali And The Radio In Monte Rey

Peça pela Vida.

Não volte para o mundo das águas sem Movimento para pegar alguma "coisa".

Can't Keep Me Under Control

Se você desiste d'Ela para ir à "festa", você já não vale a pena, sofrendo a pena já neste tempo e correndo o risco de sofrê-la eternamente. Por que você acharia que pessoas seguindo seus instintos egoístas poderiam fornecer alguma experiência de Céu? O território da desobediência sempre será lugar de encontrar o inferno na terra, tanto a nível social quanto pessoal. O problema não é entrar na selva, o problema é aceitar o convite para fazer parte de seu ecossistema. Se não são amigos, não trabalham por Ela, inevitavelmente fazem-se semelhantes aos ídolos; eu só trabalho com a original, não com a Maria de gesso, à qual criminosos e pervertidos sem arrependimento recorrem. Eles sabiam de "tudo" e não me contavam, mas aquela em quem eu confio sabia o que eles sabiam e muito Mais. Já possuindo-A, eu estou sempre à frente, investigando fatos mundanos a partir dos quais, analisando-os, eu possa extrair mais Sabedoria.

Teria "algo" semelhante voltado a acontecer? Era bem evidente que o comportamento era de alguém que não se importava, que a ideia de perder não causava-lhe preocupação. Porque se a pessoa sabe que você associa uma palavra ao relaxamento, ao jogo de baixo nível, e ela continua insistentemente utilizando-a sem defini-la, o que isso significaria? Uma rebeldia sábia não poderia ser. Minha dependência emocional é como a racional: é Ela minha única Razão e meu único Coração, sem Ela eu não existo. Eu não carrego a falsa cruz dos ímpios, que "perdoam" pessoas sem arrependimento, sem compromisso com a mudança para Melhor. A casa fundada sobre a areia eu já deixei para segui-LO, sem duvidar de que eu não estaria perdendo nenhuma experiência verdadeiramente interessante e relevante. O espaço raso em que se guarda memórias não transcendentes não é aquele em que eu viajo; meu Lar também é na Estrada, porém naquela do verdadeiro Progresso.

terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2024

Can't Beat The Real Thing

Do you still have the "power" to be envious of any "thing" they get? Those poor souls, saying lines they can think within the limits of the falsehood territory, have no Hope except to buy all that's available to be acquired for a money price, seeking to build an extension of their bodies, in an useless attempt to fill the void of Good. So how do you expect a fool to buy a Ferrari and go any Where with it when he can't find a purpose for his own brain and body? When the words themselves are not enough, they are only a means to get other vain lying objects. That's why false gods can't see you when you're one of us; they're always going to be motivated by their desire of lies as they try to please a false self you have already left behind. The wise can search and understand how a fool thinks, but the fool will never get the wise.

Secret Passage To The Hills

"Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?"

I know you probably don't know, if you're not in Law.

The one who brings her Food from afar.

11 Mohs

"How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?"

I traveled to the Future and saw that I'd be broke, however sounding thougher than diamonds.

I found it All really cool, therefore I decided It was the Way for me.

Wannabe Diana

They are incapable of walking, hearing, speaking, writing, playing and singing. But still they know this is Milton's world, that there are billions living the "dream" who care for "hits". Then they go to places that would make any fool jealous. Make no mistake though, for if you think that lying in wickedness means they're wicked, as you can see, they can perform acts of charity. Yeah, let's use legal drugs to anesthetize the misery and forget about Her. And if they can't, if despite all the "wealth" we still feel Healthless, there's no reason for despair and giving in to Medicine, because we can still go see the doctor to have some other legal drugs prescribed as a replacement. Don't worry, there's no danger of hearing what we don't wanna hear, since while we have been looking for "fame", the doctor has been after "status".

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2024

Le Jour

Our Love is in the Air.

The World Is More Ruthless Than I Am

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

I'm no good at being Mindless.

I'm only interested in going from Good to Better.

Treasures Of The Deep

"These he gathered together, with the workmen in similar trades, and said, Men, you know that from this business we have our wealth."

Lloyd needs a real goddess to fuel his mind.

Their "friends" keep telling them to leave; let them rush deeper into the Theater.

The Drop Is Out There

"And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:"

How can one prosper without desiring the Diamond Suit?

Their "vision" is to depart empty.